4 Steps To Explosive Joint Ventures

Everyone needs targeted visitors to their websites and tis could proof, at some times, to be a very tough job to do. You hear that you need to do one thing from this guru and the other guru tells you to do another. It gets confusing at one point.

An Unusual & Insanely Profitable Type Of Joint Venture

Joint-Venturing doesn’t end on asking a Guru to endorse your stuff. But that’s what the majority of people in the Internet marketing world focus on.

Here’s an unusual & insanely profitable kind of JV:

Co-author with a Guru.

Yes, you better know what your stuff. And no – it’s not for you if you aren’t damn serious. Because it takes a lot of work & brings in a lot of cash. Not for the easy-goers.

But why would the guru want to do this?
Because it saves them time & …

Cross Promotion Techniques That Work

Cross promotion is not a new idea. It has been used by businesses for a very long time. For example, a real-estate company may promote a certain lawyer to close a sale. In turn, the lawyer will promote that agency in his firm. The system is somewhat similar to the primitive barter system where people traded items rather than using money. But how can anything primitive fit into the online world of Internet Marketing? Very easily!

A cross promotion is, simply stated, the tra…

The JV Cassanova

Joint ventures are the key to financial happiness on the internet, and I do believe that they are related to dating – they follow the same structure.

Now most people date a few people and then settle down with one person, or into bachelorhood where they “have to do everything all by themselves”; most people find the dating process extremely difficult and nerve racking.

Which is why they’d rather sit at home, even if they really want to “meet someone special”.

Now …