Gratitude Journal: Keeping The Thanksgiving Spirit Alive Year-Round
Some people make New Year’s resolutions. I make Thanksgiving resolutions. Every year, I resolve to resume my practice of keeping a gratitude journal.
And every year, about three weeks later, I lose the journal. Not that this stops me. I just write my entries in some other journal, or a notebook. You may consider this weird, but for me, the act of writing things down seems to be the important part. It’s almost as if the writing action alone does something to the synapses in…
Who Determines Your True Worth?
To achieve your true worth, you need a plan (a system) that will assist you in starting, planning and organizing and keeping track of your new adventure. Once started it just takes focus, desire and action on your part to start moving forward. Hesitation or indecision will leave you where you are, but action will assist you in moving forward with your life.