Dream Symbolism

Dream Symbols are highly individualistic

Although there are archetypes of symbols common to most people, it’s usually better to go within yourself to discover the meaning of symbols in your dreams than to consult a dream dictionary.

Interpreting your dreams requires an understanding of yourself.

Most images mean different things to different people. For example, ask three people what the color “red” symbolizes to them and you can get three completely different answer…

Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is simply being aware that you are dreaming while you are in a dream. Learning how to do lucid dreaming intentionally is a personal growth tool. It may help you resolve personal problems because you’re able to consciously take an active role in your dreams. It can also be a lot of fun!

Lucid dreaming is a challenging art to master, but there are steps that can be taken to help you achieve the state.

As you go to sleep, use the suggestion: “As I am dreamin…


Nightmares are the type of dream everyone fears and wants to avoid. By their nature, these dreams are fearful, but often they need to be faced. The mind may be presenting them to us in such a dramatic manner because we have ignored a message for a prolonged period of time and it’s resorting to more drastic means to get our attention.

The truth is, many nightmares are actually gifts that we should be thankful for because they are trying to help us.

Avoidance is the wrong…

Star Wars And Psychology: Embracing The Dark Side

A few evenings ago, some friends and I decided to watch the latest Star Wars film, Return of the Sith. This film got me thinking about a concept that is key to much of the hypnotherapy that I do, and is an excellent example of how not to lead one’s life.

Much of what makes the Star Wars story so alluring is the puzzling change that occurs in Anakin Skywalker. How is it that a man can turn from supremely good to the embodiment of evil? We’re led to love Anakin the Jedi and …