The Secrets of a ‘been-there, done-that’ Success Junkie and what it has to do with you and YOUR success

Do you desire a higher level of success in your life? Are you lost on the highway to success? I understand how you feel cos I’ve been there before. It’s definitely not a great feeling. That’s why this article is dedicated to giving you the knowledge and mindsets which will help you make your journey that little bit easier. This article is meant to be a consolidation of knowledge that will give you that extra push in your journey of Personal Development and Success. Carpe Diem … Seize the Day!

Are You an Achiever or are You an EXCUSIOLOGIST?

Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher said, as far back as the sixth Century BC, “It is in changing that things find purpose.” Do you want to change or do you want to keep driving a Volkswagen and pretending it is a Porsche? You are the only person who can make it happen. Read on…

Knowledge Or Action?

It’s been said that knowledge is power. While that’s true to an extent, it isn’t the whole truth. Knowledge without action is almost useless.

Applying To Colleges And Universities

When applying to colleges and/or universities, it is best to do so as early as possible. The earlier you apply, the better chances you will have of being accepted into your program of interest. As expected, many college courses fill up quickly, which is why early applications often stand a better chance of acceptance.