Smart Retailers Dramatically Improve Sales Performance Using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Retail Performance Methodology is based on key principles adopted and tailored by retailers to gain competitive advantage and improve sales performance.

The basic principles of a successful Retail Performance Management Model will:

1. Instill a customer focused, sales oriented culture throughout the organization

2. Introduce a methodology for setting standards, tracking, measuring and reporting results, identifying under performance and coaching for success

3. Bri…

Improve Retail Sales Performance With These Sales Coaching Tips

Your POS system generates key statistics that tell you about your Retail sales performance.
These key statistics are: Average sale, Transactions per hour, Items per sale, Conversion rate, Sales per hour.

But did you know that tracking these statistics on an individual Salesperson basis can lead you to focused clues about improving individual performance. Most POS systems don’t enable you to track individual sales performance or generate individual KPIs (key performance in…

Starting A Retail Business – Retail Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Maximise Sales

Starting a retail business means you’re excited. Did you know – by adopting Best Practice Retail Sales Performance Standards you can immediately increase your sales and profit expectations by as much as 30%!

Why – because achieving sales objectives is more than just about what’s on your shelves and what your store looks like – it’s about having a customer focused mentality driven by key performance indicators (KPI) to inform staff at every level about the condition of the …