The Most Powerful Word – No!
In our society the default answer to nearly every question is “Yes.” Advertising is all geared towards getting us to say “Yes – I need that.” We phrase our inquiries looking for yes: “Would you like more coffee?” “Would you be interested in joining me for dinner?” “Would you help me move next week?” “Would you mind if I asked you a personal question?” “Do you love me?” With such a powerful default answer ingrained in us it can be very difficult to say anything else – often le…
What Can You Say “Yes!” To?
I recently made a commitment to a 21-day community phone-based meditation. I was a little concerned about making this commitment as the call was at 7am – a bit early for me. But I was excited about the meditation I’d experienced and was looking forward to joining the meditation community that was being created.
So I jumped right in and began my 6:30am wake up time and 7am meditation. What I quickly remembered was that this was one of the things that I *hated* about working…
Your Inner Wizard
Over the last month I’ve been doing a lot of work to clarify my business ideas and practices. In the process I stumbled across (or rather was led by my own coach to) this idea of the “inner wizard”. For me the inner wizard is the idea that we all have a little magical ability inside us that we can tap into at any time. Several years ago my friend Serena remarked to me “Magic is the art of conceiving of reality differently in such a way that it comes to pass.” This quote immed…
Why Can’t We all Just Get Along?
Couple that with the way that many view life as a chess game, where they must out maneuver their opponent and one can see where problems creep in. Mistrust, greed, selfishness and paranoia are like weeds in our minds that we must exert conscious and constant effort to remove or risk unnecessary conflict, hurt and disappointment.
Words That Hypnotize – Using Subliminal Language To Get What You Want
Wouldn’t it be great if we could find a way to use language in such a way that it really impacted the listener and “drove” home the idea or concept we were trying to share? Wouldn’t it help if you could properly convey the meaning of what you were saying?