A Good Leader Knows The Team’s Colours
Leadership can be a very challenging task. As leaders we don’t always get to choose who is on our team. Leaders can greatly benefit by being able to identify the types of personality characteristics of team members. By facilitating each team member to function in their areas of natural strength and motivating them by communicating in a way that inspires harmony and team work, the leader is well on the way to achieving extraordinary results.
A Leader Should Be Willing To Take Responsibilities
Who would forget the ever-famous line of Peter Parker’s grandfather, “With great power comes great responsibility.” The society expects Spiderman, a comic book, TV, and movie superhero, to be responsible for saving his town, or even the world, in some instances, from evil because he has super powers.
From all the episodes he appeared in, he never let us down. With the power he possesses, he makes sure to be responsible in using it for the good of the people around him.
Empowered Leadership
It seems that every decade or so there is some new fad the runs through the business world in terms of supervision and in the world of diversity management, downsizing, outsourcing, generational work conflicts and the information age, things are even more complicated than ever before.
No longer does a one size fits all leadership model really work. We can’t treat everyone the same and expect that everything will just “work out” somehow. Managers and leaders must have a fra…
How To Unleash All Your Leadership Potential
Have You Ever Wondered How You Can Unleash Your Leadership Potential? Learn four immediate actions you can take to start you on your way in this article.
Seven Personal Characteristics Of A Good Leader
What makes a good leader? What personal qualities are needed for leadership? What characterizes good leadership? Here are seven important qualities a good leader must have.
Six Important Managerial Skills for Leadership
A mark of a good leader is to provide constant motivation to his team to maintain an excellence and quality in results. A good leader is always looking for ways to improve production and standards. Here are six skills you can develop in working to attain quality in the team.
Ten Relationship Traits And Skills For Good Leadership
An important aspect of good leadership is the ability to work and relate with others. There are ten qualities that characterize successful leadership in the area of relating and communicating with other people.
What Kind of Leader are You?
The style of leadership taken by any leader is usually predetermined by the personality and motivational values of that person. They are who they are, as a personality, and that has a strong influence on the way they lead and communicate with others.
Why Leadership Is So Important To Your Business Success
Success in this business world today is competitive. To be successful in your own business it is crucial to have the necessary skills, including personal leadership, to distinguish you from every other business. It is possible in any economy to have customers and make money as long as you have leadership skills.
Problem Solving With Reality Therapy
Reality Therapy is a counseling method that was developed by Dr. William Glasser in 1965. However, it is so much more than a counseling technique. Reality Therapy is a problem solving method that works well with people who are experiencing problems they want help solving, as well as those who are having problems and appear to not want any assistance. Reality Therapy also provides an excellent model for helping individuals solve their own problems objectively and serves as the…