America Beware, Hillary Clinton May Run For President
If Hillary Clinton runs for the Presidency, she will have liberals voting for her because they will believe that she is a liberal, not as liberal as they are, but liberal enough. She will have moderates voting for her because they will believe that she is a moderate, not as moderate as they are but moderate enough. She will have some conservatives voting for her because they will believe that she is a conservative, not as conservative as they are but conservative enough.
Democrats Versus Republicans, The Battle Is Almost Over
Ever since the time of Abe Lincoln, Democrats and Republicans have been fighting for control of the United States Of America. In the beginning, both political parties contained liberals, moderates and conservatives. As time wore on the Democratic Party moved more to the left or ‘liberal’ and the Republican Party moved more to the right or ‘Conservative’. This left room for fewer and fewer moderates.
Attention Democrats
Attention far left Democrats and all the rest, of you Democrats, who are too afraid of the far left or to hungry for power to stand up for America. Stop insulting me, stop ridiculing me, stop trying to run my life, stop trying to take away my freedoms and stop endangering me and my loved ones.
Don’t Confuse Me With The Facts
These days, speaking with most Democrats is like being “Alice, In Wonderland”. Most of them seem to be going under the old saying “Don’t Confuse Me With The Facts”, it seems that many of their statements are based on emotions instead of reality. I used to enjoy discussing politics, especially with people that disagreed with me (I felt that I might learn something new or different.). I still do, but lately I have found that, while I still enjoy discussing politics with Independents and Republicans, I no longer enjoy discussing politics with most Democrats. They almost all say the same things and they sound as if they are reading from a script.
Questions That Most People Ask about the Second Coming of Christ
The most oft asked question anyone asks about the second coming is when it will happen. Since Jesus said no man will know the day or the hour let’s take a look at what we can know. It may surprise you.