10 Reasons To Under Achieve – Part 2 – Reasons 6-10

Reason to Under Achieve No. 6 – Lack of Support from a Mastermind Alliance

When you set big goals for yourself you need support to help you achieve them. As I mentioned earlier you will have the nay sayers lining up to tell you why something won’t work, but what you need is positive, affirming support.

Mastermind Groups or Mastermind Alliances as they are sometimes known is one of the best ways. This group will be a network of people who see more in you than you see in …

Declutter Your Life

De-cluttering your physical space can have an amazingly uplifting effect on your mood. Feng Shui experts claim that buildings and furniture store the memories of events in the form of energy, and that by de-cluttering you can clear the energy of historic traumatic events. Whether or not you put any store in that kind of theory, nobody who has ever de-cluttered a space could deny the positive benefits of increasing the physical space in their environment.

However, physical …

Develop Your Self-esteem

Esteem is a simple word. It is worth and value that we apply to people, places, and situations. We have esteem when a professional puts in an exemplary performance whether it is in sports, acting, or simply doing the right thing.

But the most important place we need to apply esteem is within ourselves. We must maintain our self-esteem in order to place value on ourselves as a worthy individual in the world.

Self-esteem affects every single part of our lives creati…

Let’s Talk About This Contradiction – And Irony Of It

“Irony is the gaiety of reflection and the joy of wisdom”
Anatole France

Do you ever tutt at the news?

I used to spend fifteen minutes or so, once or twice a day, watching the news, moaning about politicians messing things up, feeling horrified at human nature and getting frustrated about things that were way beyond my scope of influence. Then for a decade I pretty much shut myself off from the media and ignored it all. All that’s changed now.

Stepping Up

Back in…

Simple Tips To Increased Happiness

There really is no secret to being happy, you just have to make up your mind to be and you will be. But in case you need more than that here are 15 steps you can take to begin learning how to make yourself happy.

To be happy is relatively easy just decide to be a happy person. The choice is simple really, choose to be happy. Suffering is optional!

Once you make the choice to be happy your world will change to accommodate what it is you want and you will find being a hap…

Tips On Creating Change In Your Life

What kinds of things help support us in changing or creating a new habit?

Visualizing can be very compelling for some people. The clearer you picture your goal and how good you will feel when you reach it, the easier it becomes to make the necessary changes to get there.

Affirmations can also help you reach a goal. Come up with a statement as if you’ve already achieved what you wish. “I AM happy,” rather than, “I want to be happy,” and then repeat it throughout the day,…

Well Loved: How To Get Rid Of What You Don’t Want

Accept yourself. Recycled advice? Yes. When you’re dissatisfied and stuck it can sound pretty useless. “Get me out of here!” You’d rather be any place else. But here and now is all there is. Loving and forgiving what is has got to be the first step. Here’s how to do it: