The Benefits Of Having A Personal Coach
If you have been watching the news, reading magazines, or even overhearing conversations while in line at the post office or grocery store, you may have heard about something called a “personal coach”. More and more people are turning to personal coaches each day; if you have ever wondered what one is and what they can help you with, read on!
Simply put, a personal coach helps you become the best “you” possible. Just like a sports coach helps athletes work out their probl…
The Prosperous Life
“A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25
Most of us want to be successful, well off, and live the good life. Did you ever consider that the way to accomplish this might not be grabbing all you can, but by giving your way there? Did you consider that the way up the ladder of life might be going outward instead of upward? This seems foreign to us and absolutely contrary to everything we are taught in society. After all,…
Time Management Skills
As a Life Coach, and after coaching many different clients, I have come to realize that to effectively manage time, we need to first realize that time itself cannot be managed! We all get seven days a week and 168 hours within those seven days. This cannot be increased or changed in any way. However, what we can change, improve and manage is ourselves. In essence then, true time management now becomes management of ourselves – “self management!”
So being aware of this, we …
Women And Self Esteem
Self-esteem, as defined in the dictionary, is “pride in oneself; self-respect.” All too often, young girls who lack self-esteem carry the same subjective view of themselves as they become adult women. What tools can be used to develop pride, self-respect, and self-esteem? One unique way is to utilize the services of a life coach.
A life coach is someone who can be objective, provide an honest assessment of ways you can enhance your life, advise you as to how you can bui…
Life Coaching Can Help You to Achieve Your Full Potential
Do you know that you have more to offer, but struggle to understand how to apply yourself in order to achieve your goals? Do you find it difficult to believe that you have the ability to fulfill your dreams and live the life that you have always wanted to have?
Recognizing Your Success with Self Development
(Self Improvement) When you learn that you already have successful abilities you can focus those patterns to achieve the goals and results you want.
The Personal Life Coach as Modern-Day Ally
Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey spoke of allies and mentors the hero meets on the way to the golden elixir — in other words, helping characters who assist the hero in his goal. In this article, a personal life coach explains what a coach does and who he is.
Allow Time For Germination
New ideas can take time to get used to. When we first hear the idea we may not be ready for it. That is fine. When you are ready the idea will sprout and grow and be there for you.
Burn the Ships
It is tempting to retreat to safety and comfort when challenges and difficulties arise. To avoid turning around and abandoning your goals, you must make going forward more compelling then going back.
Make Procrastination Work for You
Procrastination is the art of doing something else when there are more important things to do. There is a way to make procrastination work for you. Since all of us have this skill to varying degrees of proficiency we might as well put it to use.