Break-Ups And Doubts

Shall I break-up? Am I right? Or my thinking is wrong somewhere? What if I hurt my partner with the break-up?

5 Nasty Emotions That Could Be Stopping You From Living Your Dreams

Hurtful memories can stifle your development and growth. How do we break through this insidious mental conditioning? How do we grow and develop beyond hurtful episodes that bury themselves in our subconscious and influence our lives? How do we change and grow so that we can live our dreams?

The first step is to break the hold of these inhibiting influences from the past. Recognize them and then either get rid of them or turn them into a positive force that pushes you ahead…

A Purpose Given Is A Purpose Worth Living

These days there’s a mad rush to be purpose driven and I wholeheartly agree, it is better to be purpose driven than going in reverse or stuck in neutral. However, why would I be content to be just purpose driven and not living my life’s purpose on purpose? I believe the real reason most people are okay with being just purpose driven is because they don’t know how to identify their real purpose for existing or what purpose means when it relates to individuals. If you’re readi…

Achieving True Happiness In Nine Easy Steps

Few movies have had the strength to move me to action. The Pursuit of HappYness is definitely the exception.

Will Smith plays the role of Chris Gardner, a down and out dad who’s faced with poverty, homelessness, singleness, and a job that paid ZERO – you heard that correctly ZERO dollars in income.

Faced with these challenges many parents give up their children to orphanages or to relatives. And in some extreme cases, some parents have gone as far as to kill their kids …

An Atypical Success

Melba Rae likely never traveled the world. It’s likely that she never rode in a limousine. She had none of the trappings of fame and there was probably very little fortune. She was just an ordinary woman that was extraordinary in her ordinary profession.

Most of us have many teachers in our life. As we think back on our years in school we can often recall the names and some of the characteristics but there are not many who have a lasting place in our hearts. Melba Rae was …


Is there a limiting belief somewhere deep in your psyche that is stopping and holding you back from the life you really want to live? Is there some crazy notion that masquerades as common sense that prevents you from taking action?

Many of us have limiting beliefs that we may not even be aware of. Often these beliefs hide behind such noble attributes as responsibility, duty, and commitment. But why limit our lives to being less than all we can be for the sake of these limi…

Change Your Story, Improve Your Life

What do you tell yourself and others about your life? Do you paint a picture of your life as happy and optimistic or as somber and sad?

It’s not what happens to us in this life but it is what we do with and about what happens to us in this life. Life is not fair. Never has been. Never will be. That’s just the way it is. So if you don’t like the hand that you’ve been dealt you have a right to complain all you want but that won’t change circumstances and it won’t make it bet…

Create Win/win Outcomes And Relationships

Q. What happens when we go through life looking only at what’s in it for us? We get selfish, we get greedy, and we get dependent on getting more of the same.

The result? Our lives become attached to this way of being, often to the degree that we manifest a blatant disregard for others and our relationships. In turn, we become blinkered to the destructive nature of our actions and give rise to provocation and resentment. The solution? To create an outcome that ensures a wi…

Creating Positive Change

There are times in a person’s life when they may feel stuck. They may be in a situation that is making them unhappy, however they are lacking the motivation or extra push they need to help them create positive change in their life. Sometimes they are not even sure what it is that they want.

If a person is unclear as to what their goal is, they can take a look at each area of their life. Those areas may include: Family, friends, health, career, finances, physical locati…

Feeling Overwhelmed In Work And Life

I was leading a teleconference this morning with twenty interesting, diverse, solo entrepreneurs, consultants and coaches. The hot subject up for discussion was how “overwhelmed,” beat, tired, and burned-out many of the people were feeling due to the “too much to do / can’t stop now” syndrome.

Are you one of those people who can’t seem to stop “doing?”

I have yet to meet anyone who hasn’t felt overwhelmed from time to time. Since it tends to feel uncomfortable, if not d…