How to Clean a Dirty Aquarium

Before you invest your money in an Aquarium take the time to read about how to properly maintain the tank and the fish, before you decide if you are willing to put in the effort.

Ready To Snap: Crazy, Busy And The Lure Of Modern Life

Are you too busy? Are you always in a hurry, juggling work and family tasks like balls in the air? Are you ready to snap?

You’re not alone. Millions of successful adults are being swept up by today’s frenetic, globalized, technology-driven lifestyle. We have plunged into a mad rush of activity, aided by high-speed Internet, cell phones, instant messaging, BlackBerries and email 24/7. We work longer hours, with escalating demands at work and home.

We expect our brains to…

The Interim Management Lifestyle

Interim management isn’t the career for you if you don’t like challenge and change. But for those of us who love both, it brings a rich variety of enhancing and intensive experiences. Just what are the pros and cons of becoming an interim manager?

Women Entrepreneurs Prove It’s Not Just A Man’s World

I had the honor of speaking this week at a women’s business association luncheon on the topic of entrepreneurship. When I mentioned to my wife the day before that I was speaking to group of women entrepreneurs she asked, “Why on earth would they ask you to speak?”

In her defense, my dear wife has no idea what I do for a living. She’s never read a single one of the several hundred columns I’ve written. She’s never attended a function where I’m speaking or sat in the audienc…