Healing The Body With Light

The human body is in essence a body of light, which was created first by God’s divine intention which created the soul. The soul’s divine intention to enter the world of physical form created the passageway through which God’s light could manifest the miracle of conception and birth.

All of life is a miracle, and each precious soul you encounter is living proof of God’s great love, which created the manifest and un-manifest universes. All possibilities and probabilities ex…

Scientific Explanations For Remote Viewing

The introduction of consciousness as a major factor in the equation of reality by modern quantum physics is at the core of one of the major paradox of so-called psychic research. According to quantum physics, the thought of the observer has an influence upon the result of an experiment.

Why Re-invent the Light bulb?

Have you ever had a problem with a burned light? Thanks to the effort of Thomas Edison we no longer need to invent a light bulb. We just go to the store or our cupboard and pull one out and screw it in. Voila! Light!

I am sure you realize that it took Thomas Edison many, many tries before he perfected the light bulb. Someone asked him one day if he grew discouraged by his failures. He answered, “I haven’t failed, I’ve discovered one more way how not to make a light bulb”.