Do Link Directories Work

Everybody who owns a website needs traffic. The best traffic everybody agrees is free search engine traffic.

Viral marketing, how it works and how to use it.

Have you ever wondered how the people who are at the top for your keywords get there with seemingly little effort? You spend hours marketing and are barely on page 43.. How do they do it? It`s called viral marketing. And here’s what that is:

Weekly Lessons Learned

In this article I summarize the lessons learned this past week and how I overcame these obstacles.

Getting Quality One Way Links For Free

As you probably know, building your link popularity is the best way to get good search engine placement and free traffic for life for your websites. A lot of people have trouble with this, so I decided to make a small list with the methods I use to get tons of quality one way links to my sites.

1. The first and best way to do this is to write articles related to your site. Now this technique may not be new to many of you out there but I can assure you that a lot of people …

Google Page Rank Update

Many people are suggesting that google is currently updating the page rank of each site, this is what can be seen on the google toolbar and is basically a rating out of ten for each website. From reading some of the messages on the search engine forums, different people are reporting changes where as other people as of yet have seen no changes. It is reported that by the middle of July in 2006 this update should be visible on all data-centers, however with google you never can tell as they seem to like to keep people guessing.

How To Make Your Backlinks Count I

I think that we all know now how important backlinks are for the search engine ranking success of our web site. I also think that we all know now that one way to get these backlinks is by doing link exchanges with other sites. (For the uninitiated, backlinks are links on other web sites that point to ours.)

But do we know that there are various things we need to check before agreeing to exchanging links with another web site? After all, the whole point of exchanging links …

Reciprocal Link Exchange Strategy

A good link exchange strategy is not about how many link exchanges you can make and how quickly you can make them.

It’s all about picking and choosing quality exchanges in order to.

1. Help increase traffic to your site
2. Help more of your directory pages get listed in search engines
3. Increase the Page Rank of your website.

When I’m asked what’s the best affordable method to get a website noticed, I recommend Reciprocal Link Exchanges.

I compare a good Link …

Submitting Your Site To Directories For Free Links

If you’re like most webmasters, you’re always looking for ways to get links to your site. Of course, if they’re one way links, all the better! Well, submitting your site to directories not only offers you one ways, you can get them for free.

If you follow a few rules when submitting your site to various directories, you’ll greatly increase the number of directories that accept your link, so increasing the number of links you get.

Many directories publish a comprehensive…