Body Language, Five Key Ingredients

When making your living in the sales industry, and working with people, it is important to not only get your point across verbally, but you want to allow for your body language to send a clear message as well.

Mortgage Marketing in the 21st Century

For loan officers and mortgage brokers, marketing the benefits of your products to your potential customers is very important to the success of your business. It is also important that you keep up with your competition’s marketing concepts.

Mortgage Marketing With a Blog

One great way for mortgage brokers and loan officers to market the benefits of their products and services is with a Blog.

Staying Afloat in Today’s Mortgage Market

As the refinance boom is quickly coming to an end, if not so already in the mortgage industry. It is critical to keep working in order to keep those leads coming your way.

Two Ways to Market Yourself Without Spending a Dime

Unfortunately not all of us have a budget to fit what we believe to be our marketing needs. No need to get down, here are a few very simple things you can do that have stood the test of time, and are proven to attract more business.

What Not to Display on Display Signs

If you are promoting a product and you are doing some advertising with displays, don’t allow for your customer to know everything. Otherwise, they won’t have a reason to call you, or come visit you.

Be Persuasive When You Sell

When you are selling your products to clients, you don’t want to be pushy about it, you want to be persuasive.

Buying Mortgage Leads Exclusively

If you are a loan officer or mortgage broker, you may be on the market for mortgage leads. If you have no interest in sharing these mortgage leads with anyone else, you may want to consider buying them exclusively.