Accepting Change

I lost my water bottle. Change was bound to happen after that.

I know it is really no big deal as it’s just a little thing – but I really liked that water bottle! It fit perfectly in the cup holder of my car, it had an easy to open lid, a spill guard that made it easy to drink out of and it was decorated with some cool stickers that really spoke about me that I’d acquired over the 3 years I had used it. I drink a lot of water and I carried it with me everywhere. My water b…

Grief May Not Always Be About The Death Of A Loved One

I have seen grief at its worse. A friend of mine lost her husband at sea, and the body was never found. She did not know whether to let go or continue to cling to her hope that someday they would meet again. With no body to bury, she hanged onto hope and despair. After three years, she started to realize she would never see her husband again. Her bereavement took a toll on her work, relationships with friends and family. Her family got professional help for her. When her be…

Have You Ever Lost Something Or Someone?

Bereavement refers to people who experience the loss, through death, of a loved one or someone who has importance to them. Bereavement is a normal experience in a sense to each and every one of us since it occurs in the course of our lifetime. The loss is very depressing to some and this could lead into inconsolable grief and oftentimes, a long period of mourning. Nevertheless, bereavement causes the immobilization of psychological symptoms, occasionally, abrupt or cause diff…

How To Survive Losing A Spouse

One of the worst things that can happen in life is losing a spouse. How do I know? It happened to me—and in the prime of my life…

When it happens, many thoughts and emotions whiz through your mind…

Only four months earlier, my husband and I had completed a Christian counseling course. One of the major topics addressed was how to deal with grief…

Now I was living it.

It is true that there are natural steps we go through in the grief process. The timing and length o…

When Change Happens (Dealing with Loss and Grief)

The time after loss and change is volatile and confusing. However, crisis means opportunity. When we understand the dynamics of change and the process of grief is properly handled, it’s possible for an individual to grow a great deal during this time of life. We can turn a time of loss and grief into one of strength and hope.

Do You Owe A Debt Of Thanks ?

Most of us have been fortunate to have not just one person but a whole team of teachers, coaches, and mentors who helped us grow and reach our potential. We should remember to thank those people again and again as we live the lives they helped us shape. Even more important we need to repay that debt — not to those individuals but to society. How is your debt? Have you paid it yet or are you still pretending it doesn’t exist?

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

This is a question that most people grapple with from time to time and it has largely been on my mind this past week. You see one of the best people I know — my Uncle Carl — had a very bad accident this week. While working on the wood lot with his son, his hand got caught in a log splitter. In the end the damage was so severe that his left hand had to be amputated.