The Mirror of Relationships

Relationships are fertile ground for learning about our selves. Discover what you can learn about yourself when you are being judged or rejected by another.

Making Marriage Work, Part 1

Is your marriage in trouble? Have you lost the passion that you once had? Do you believe that if only your partner would change everything would be fine? In this series, discover a powerful process for making your marriage work.

Making Marriage Work, Part 2

Is your marriage is in trouble or do you want more intimacy than you currently have? Are you interested in discovering to root causes of relationship problems and how to heal them? Then read on!

Making Marriage Work, Part 3

Do you feel like a victim in your relationship? Discover how shifting your intention from blaming your partner to learning about yourself can start you on the road to healing your relationship.

Making Marriage Work, Part 4

This is Part 4 of a 5-part series on making marriage work. This article gives an example of what it looks like to learn about your relationship issues with a personal source of spiritual guidance.

Making Marriage Work, Part 5

In this final section of a five-part series on making marriage work, Joan discovers that taking loving action on her own behalf, instead of waiting for Justin to make her happy, creates the closeness and intimacy with Justin that she desires.

No Prince Charming – You’ve got to be kidding me

It all started with, “Once upon a time there lived a noble gentleman who had a little girl.”

Stop right there and rewind! Before we get to the end of this story, where two people go off and live a fairy tale life, I have to tell you that there is no Prince Charming.

Write Your Own Love Letter in 6 Easy Steps

You want to write a love letter to the special person in your life to tell them how you feel about them but how do you put it into words? And where do you start? If that sounds like you then you’ll find this article very useful in helping you to express exactly what you want to say.