Marriage: a Difficult Business for Woman?
As you may see, nowadays it is easier for a man to find an appropriate wife than for a woman to find a good husband.
There are multitudes, who have never been married and still greater multitudes, who got married but change back to be single. Marriage has become a difficult business, especially for women.
marriage tip#1: It is OK to be Single
Marriage is not the destination for the entire human race. Being single is not a sin; you can choose to remain single, as long as it makes you happy.
Always remember why you want to get married: to find somebody who MAKES YOU HAPPY and be happy with him for the rest of your life.
Creating Lasting Love
Many people are able to get into relationships. But for many, their relationships do not last much more than 3 months! Why does this happen? Why can’t we make it last? I’ll give you three reasons:
The Man’s Way to Finding True Love
Every one of us is looking for an ideal partner, the person who fulfils our need to love and be loved. The problem is there are so many people who can pass the first-glance test that you can be looking your whole life and not know who to select. So how can you end up with an ideal partner who’ll love you with all her heart? This article leads the way.
All About Love
How do you know when you’re in love? This article takes a look at the processes we humans go through (and put other potential mates through!) in order to find ‘the one’. The funny and inspirational (mis)guide.