Law Of Attraction: The Power Of Positive Words

In the universe, there are two great forces at work. We know them as good and evil or positive and negative. They are two powerful forces in their own right. In similar fashion, there are positive words and negative words, each causing opposite reactions when used by humans. We all know how positive words can make us feel good and inspire us, and how negative words can bring us down and led us to pain, anger or sadness. We have seen how positive words bring people together, b…

Law Of Attraction: What’s In Your Wallet?

In the law of attraction, like attracts like. You get what you asked for based on the clarity of your thoughts. This applies also to what is inside your wallet or purse. You need to be careful with the kind of money that you carry. If you carry dimes in your wallet, that is exactly what you are going to get more of – dimes. So get rid of those dimes and nickels because you don’t want to be attracting that unconsciously.

If you want to attract hundred dollar bills, that is …