7 Ways To Develop Momentum And Get Things Done
One thing that I learned from bicycle racing (actually, I am not much of a bicycle racer but I do triathlons – biking needs work) is the power of momentum. In bicycle racing the way to do better and use less energy is to pedal very, very fast and powerfully to start with, give it 120% and once you are up to speed, you can simply maintain a good even cadence.
I have often used this technique even with my car which tracks my Km per L (of course I don’t do major jack rabbit s…
Are You Stressed Out?
It’s something we all talk about. How many times have you heard a friend or colleague say ‘I’m really stressed out today’? Of course, many of us use the word ‘stress’ very loosely. Often we simply mean that we’ve had a bad day, and now all we want to do is get a drink, sit down in front of the TV, and chill out.
But for more and more of us ‘stress’ isn’t just another word for ‘hassle’. It’s something we face every day – a constant thread in our lives that keeps us awake at…
Excerpt From The Art Of Managing: Conflict Behavior Styles
Conflict occurs in situations in which people are interdependent, seek different outcomes, favor different methods to the same end, or perceive others are interfering with their ability for rewards or resources. A person’s behavior in conflict situations can be described by two basic dimensions—assertiveness and cooperation. Assertiveness is the extent to which the team member attempts to satisfy his own concerns. Cooperation is the team members attempt to satisfy the other p…
I Just Don’t Have Enough Time – The Science of Homeostasis Says You Do
Busy people have all remarked at one time or another that they need more than 24 hours in a day. Some say they need eight days in a week to accomplish all they have to do. Is this true for those people? The answer may fool you.
Knowing your potential business customers.
Knowing who your potential customers are is the most important first step in Dallas search engine optimization. One of the best things is to try to determine what your potential customers will likely search for that will result in them finding you.
Personality Test- Your Time Management
All of us have heard quite a lot about time management. Thousands of books have appeared on this subject.
Practical Time Management
Most of us understand the broad principles of effective time management, and can see that it is important to manage our time as thoughtfully as possible. The difficult part for busy professionals is actually applying time management techniques on a regular basis.
Restaurant Accommodation
Your restaurant seats are highly important in dealing with accommodations for your restaurant. There could be a lot of people who would want to make reservations especially during Friday or Saturday nights but you have to make sure that you decide wisely on this.
Before deciding if you’re going to accept reservations of a big group for a Friday or Saturday night business, try to check your records first of the history of reservations you usually receive. If you don’t keep …
Restaurant Employee Theft
Restaurant owners don’t run a cash machine 24/7. They face the reality of being observed by thieves undercover and this alone is a serious threat not only to the business but to the safety of the management, staff and customers. The most difficult part about this harm is there is no certain point one realizes that there is a thief lurking around the corner waiting for the right time to attack. And the sad part about it is there are a big percentage of theft casualties done by…
Self Help Management
If you are serious about self help, you will have to develop a management approach to your personal development that you can turn to in times of need. Self help isn’t just about an occasional book or a brief visit to a group. Self help is about ongoing practices and long term devotion to certain principles that will eventually transform you into a better person. For this you will need a long term management policy or procedure to help you mark your progress and outline your p…