Is Your Work Stressing You? Test Yourself

All of us who are working to earn our living face some stress in our work life. Many of us face more stress than we can cope up with. But sometimes we don’t realize that.

The Art Of Leadership

The art of leadership is sought by virtually everyone. It is claimed by many, defined by a few, and exercised by the unheralded, depending on the source you use. In fact, we know a lot about leadership; it is the application of leadership that creates confusion for most.

In spite of all the leadership texts, containing a veritable plethora of theories about leadership (each of which is THE KEY), leadership remains a very individual concept, exercised in many diverse yet su…

The Best Managers Are Leaders Too

I was flying home several months ago from a management-leadership program I was teaching for a company in Phoenix, and I struck up a conversation with the gentleman next to me on the plane. During the conversation, I asked him if he considered his boss to be a good manager, and he said, “Yes, he is.” I then asked him if he thought his boss was a good leader, and after thinking a moment, he said, “No, he isn’t.”

This man was not alone in the way he thought. According to a s…

Good Self, Bad Self

Do you walk your talk? Most of us like to think that we mean what we say and say what we mean.

Then why do we keep saying we will quit doing this, or start doing that, and we find we keep on doing the same old things? Most New Year’s resolutions end up abandoned shortly after they were made.

We are not liars. We are sincere at the time. But soon or later, we find ourselves faced with conflicting emotions, convictions and our real actions.

Most of the time we kid ours…

Beware The Busy Manager

Only about 10 percent of managers work purposefully to complete important tasks, according to a 10-year study of managerial behavior across a variety of industries. The other 90 percent self-sabotage by busily engaging in non-purposeful activities, procrastinating, detaching from their work and needlessly spinning their wheels.

In a revealing study over a 10-year period, 1993-2003, authors Heike Bruch and Sumantra Ghoshal tracked behaviors of managers in a wide variety of …

Hiring the Best – Interviewing Strategies that WORK!

Hiring continues to be key to a company’s success. Hiring the right staff – with the skills AND characteristics required for success – requires behavioral event interviewing. This article provides insights into effective interviewing and hiring.

Scheduling Retail Employees

Scheduling my team has always been one of my least favorite tasks as a retail manager. It’s tedious, it takes hours and even when I think I have it right, I probably don’t. What makes scheduling a challenge is that you are balancing the demands of individuals on your team with the demands of your business. This can be a very time consuming and frustrating.

Lets say you complete a schedule which took you 2 hours to create. You have carefully made sure everyone has at least…