Ask And It Is Given – Does The Law Of Attraction Really Work?
By now the movie “The Secret” has been out for over a year. It’s even been discussed on Oprah. Many people are ready to change their lives by using the Law of Attraction. OK, so now what? How come we can think of all the stuff we want and it doesn’t show up? Where’s my Genie!?!?
I believe the root cause of the appearance of failure is the difference between “Wishful thinking” and “Knowing”.
Have you ever wished you had a new car yet knew it would not appear? Sure…when…
Catching Life’s Thermals On The Feathers Of Intention
The Power of Love
All of us – young or old, poor or rich, salt of the earth or intellectual, battling grave illness or enjoying phenomenal health – all of us want the same things in our lives. We must take care of our survival needs by providing shelter from the elements, food and sustenance for our bodies, and protection from dangers. Because we are social in nature, we need to connect with others in various ways. We need to belong, to be part of something larger than our…
Law Of Attraction: The Power Of Positive Words
In the universe, there are two great forces at work. We know them as good and evil or positive and negative. They are two powerful forces in their own right. In similar fashion, there are positive words and negative words, each causing opposite reactions when used by humans. We all know how positive words can make us feel good and inspire us, and how negative words can bring us down and led us to pain, anger or sadness. We have seen how positive words bring people together, b…
Synchronicity Will Lead You!
Have you ever considered the power of synchronicity when it comes to the Law of Attraction? Most often synchronicity is described as being the opposite of coincidence – coincidences being random and meaningless, and synchronicity being divinely orchestrated.
You may even be able to remember specific experiences that were spooky the way they unfolded? Like narrowly missing being involved in a car accident because you were delayed a few minutes when leaving work; or meeting …
Using The Law Of Attraction To Manifest Your Desires
There is all the hype these days about the Law of Attraction and the process of manifesting your desires into your life. Basically the key to this law is that you will manifest whatever you desire. There are several contingencies that come into play when you want to manifest your desire. First you must be very clear about what you want. Your desire should be written out, for in writing it you will be able to be more specific and as you write you will get more clarity. If for …
Where To Start With Law Of Attraction
If you’re just learning about the Law of Attraction and wondering where to start, or if you’re not seeing results and want to start over, I’d like to share a few tips on what I believe to be the best ways to get started:
1) Choosing more positive thoughts.
Negative thinking is very much a habit, and it’s one that has the power to control your life in frightening ways! Before you can change your outer circumstances, you need to learn how to choose better thoughts. Tak…
Cosmic Ordering – The Power of Positive Thinking
If you have found your way to read this article, something within you has been triggered consciously or otherwise to seek a path which you can take to change your life in a positive way forever.
How to Acquire Anything and Everything You Wish For – The Power of your Thoughts
A simplified version of the Universal Law of Attraction and how to utilize it to get what you want.
Immense Thoughts, Immense Ambitions, Immense Results!
Big thoughts and big actions. Do them together and you can certainly make your dreams come alive. This process is simple and direct, as you just need to apply the law of manifestation.
Jack Canfield’s Success Principles
I’ve learned about the success principles from Jack Canfield. In his book “The Success Principles”, Jack Canfield presents the sixty-four principles which, if learned and practiced, can help everyone to realize their goals.