Your Greatest Marketing Assets

Do you know what your greatest marketing assets are? Here’s a hint: It’s got nothing to do with a killer logo or a great web site. Two of the greatest marketing assets you posses can make all the difference in your results.

7 Step Plan To Get Going With Networking

When used wisely and appropriately, networking is one of your most cost-effective business building tools. But, don’t approach it as a method to sell. Networking is the process of creating relationships where you can help others achieve their goals, and they can help you achieve yours.

Do You Get Attention With Your 30-Second Introduction?

It’s one of the most important marketing tools you can have in your toolbox. Are you prepared with a crisp, concise, and powerful statement to introduce yourself at that next networking function, or to answer the question, “what do you do?”

Three Steps to Your Ultimate Marketing Message

It just might be the most important tool you put in your marketing toolbox. A great marketing message doesn’t come in the form of a catchy slogan or a play on words. Here are some tips to create your own ultimate marketing message.

How to Squeeze More Profit Out of Your Customers!

The biggest mistake businesses make is to focus all their marketing effort and budget on getting new customers. Research has shown that it costs up to 6 times more to get a new customer than to retain or sell to an existing one. And this is the key. Concentrate on selling more to your existing clients. We explore the steps you can take to tease more profit from your client base.

The Power of a Marketing and Sales System

For some reason, marketing is the one business function in small business that operates without a system. The result is usually a scatt gun, episodic approach to marketing. A marketing and sales system is key to real business growth.