The Lost Art of Listening

What does it mean to truly listen to another person ? Find out how to help your relationships and get more out of communication by fine tuning your listening skills. Let others know that you care enough to give them your full attention, improve personal and professional relationships by learning the lost art of listening !

Advice For A Happy Marriage

Some people may think that advice for a happy marriage can be a bit obvious, but if that’s the case why are there so many unhappy marriages?

Advice To Keep Your Marriage Healthy

Advice for a good marriage can in some cases seem a little obvious, but in a lot of cases it can seem like just the advice you need. When you are involved in a long term relationship, sometimes it’s hard to see the wood for the trees, and it takes only the most basic advice for us to see what is wrong. Check this article out for more information.

Can You Save Your Marriage?

How to save your marriage is not exactly the same for one person as it is the next. It’s true that in most cases a marriage can be improved with a few simple steps, but the amount of improvement varies from marriage to marriage-check out these tips to help get your back on track.

God’s Blue Print for Saving Marriages

Having a successful marriage first requires understanding of what God had in mind for marriage. This article discusses God’s purpose for marriage and offers helpful advice for developing a plan for saving or improving marriages.

Marriage: Learning to Love

Discover the difference between being “in love” and loving someone. Find out why being “in love” is not enough, and what to do about it.