The Four Stages Of Learning On The Path To Mastery

Whenever you learn a new skill, you go through four stages of learning. Some people berate themselves if they don’t immediately master a new skill. They forget that there’s a normal progression involved. Keeping these stages in mind will help you avoid frustration as you progress along the path to mastery.

The four stages are:

• Unconscious incompetence
• Conscious incompetence
• Conscious competence
• Unconscious competence

The time it takes to progress through t…

Five Steps To Success In Everything You Do

To realize any dream you want, follow these five steps or conditions : you need a strong desire, a clear positive goal (written down), a strong belief in yourself, a positive thinking pattern and consistency. With these five ingredients you manifest any of your dreams!

In the End, the One Thing That Matters

If you are reading this article, however you found it; I know something about you. You have a desire, perhaps even a burning one, to assimilate new information in hopes that the new information will improve your results.

Use The Power Of Your Thoughts

We have been created to live our life in freedom, health and wealth. If our life doesn’t look like that, it means we block ourselves by our thoughts. Our thoughts are very powerful instruments we use to either create happiness and wealth, or sickness and poverty.
If your life doesn’t look like what you’re dreaming of, it means you have thoughts which go against you. Your thoughts create your life. If you want to change your life, change first your thoughts.