Profit Shouldn’t Be a Dirty Word in Material Handling

With the economy on the mend, a lot of people in the material handling industry are expecting good times without having to make any changes in the way they do business. Unfortunately, that means the continuation of one particular practice that played a major role in getting the economy in trouble a few years back.

Shorter Supply Chains, Higher Expectations

The past few years have seen some dramatic changes in parcel shipping methods. Most of those changes have been driven by impatience, manifested in what the industry calls “the shortening of the supply chain.” It is an interesting phrase, summing up a wide variety of customer attitudes and business strategies.

Like New, Only Better

Material handling systems (conveyors, sorting systems, shelving, etc.) represent a major purchasing decision, no matter how you slice it. The wrong decision can be costly, and making the right decision can be difficult, largely because of the number and nature of the options available.

Has the time come for a reconditioned forklift fleet?

Every industry has its accepted truths. The problem is that yesterday’s truths may be out of date. When the question is an expensive one like the purchase and maintenance of your forklift fleet, it’s a good idea to examine all possibilities.