How Do You View Your Debt?
How Do You View Your Debt?
Are you loaded down with debt? Do you feel like there is no way out? Have you ever thought that how you view debt might be the problem?
Every aspect of your life, at some point, you wanted. You say “I didn’t want the debt”, but you wanted the thing that came along with the debt, or whatever you exchanged for the debt; maybe it was a house, the car or the car repairs, the clothes.
Debt was just a way to live a certain dream – a means to an…
The Purpose Of Life And The Power Of Eve
What is the purpose of your life? Have you ever wondered? Have you ever attended a funeral, touched the lifeless body, listened to the eulogies, and asked yourself, “Why am I alive?” or “What am I doing with myself?” Maybe the questions arrest you when you encounter the limitless expanse of an ocean or the lumbering enormity of a mountain. Nature has that mystical power to lift our inner gaze and cause us to ask big and important questions. Just a brief walk in the woods unde…
The Magic of Dreaming Big
How to Find Your Vision in Life