The Tale That Dogs the WAG

As the England football team once again return home under a cloud, the tabloid press is doing its best to bring a little rain into the world of the WAGs (Wives and Girlfriends) whose glittering presence and extravagant spending habits caused a recent media storm; but can this hail of words penetrate their world’s 24-Carat sunshine? Oh for the life of a WAG, muses Croydon J Hounslow…

How to Market Your Garage Sale

Anyone who’s started his or her own business (be it brick and mortar, online, even something as simple as garage sales on the weekend) will tell you that the most important aspect to keep your business going (and so you make profits) is marketing.

Reading Trade Shows Report

Have you wondered how people work out the viability of major trade shows? How they calculate what is feasible and what is not? When it is feasible and when it is not? This is where Trade Show Reports enter the equation.

These reports are written by data analysts who forecast the future growth of the market. The information contained in the reports allows for the individualized planning of trade shows that anticipate the needs of invitees.

What information belongs in a T…

7 Tips To Become A Star Tv Guest

How one expert made a splash on CNN’S Paula Zahn Now, and how you can, too

Cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Robert Kotler’s New York based publicist, made contact with the Paula Zahn Now program on CNN to schedule an appearance. Here’s what happened next.

1. Map out the segment with the producer

*I was referred to one of the *bookers* who did a quick screening and then put me in contact with an associate producer. Over several phone conversations, we worked out the subject m…

Advertise, no matter if you are big or small

Importance of well thought out marketing campaign managed by an innovative advertising design agency is not hidden from anyone but it seems small town businessmen don’t give much attention to it rendering them vulnerable to competitors. This article talks about importance of advertising for small town businesses as well as provides tips to manage the campaign.

Types Of Catalog

There are many types of business that can benefit by producing a catalog. Many people are not aware of the benefits of designing some type of catalog for their business and ignore this great way to bring in more business. Almost any company can benefit from designing a catalog.

In this article I will go over some of the different types of catalogs your business can design. Some types of catalog will not apply to your business, but keep reading and think about your business…

Types Of Paper In Catalog Printing

There are many things that are important to catalog design. Your images must be sharp and appealing. Your text and even the font you use for the text is important. The cover page design and the design of your catalog’s product pages all play important roles in designing a catalog that will bring in new customers and sales.

However none of the things mentioned above are more important than the type of paper you will choose to print your catalog on. The “feel” of your catalo…