Brand Management – Beyond Marketing

In the past, the management of an organization’s brand has usually been the sole domain of the organization’s marketing team. However, with the evolution of the Internet and people’s need for instant information, there is a greater call for public relations professionals to become more directly involved with an organization’s brand management.

Change Your Tone

The world of PR is benefiting from dramatic changes in the way media coverage is being delivered electronically to your computer desktop or PDA of choice. Perhaps the nuisance of ink on your fingers is being replaced by a bad case of “BlackBerry thumb” — but nevertheless getting your media coverage electronically has never been easier or more mobile.

Communications Analysis: Real-Time

You’ve just reviewed the final results of your last pro-active media campaign to launch that new product or service. The numbers look pretty good: media impressions were in the millions; coverage was evenly split between broadcast and print; and a leading national paper ran three stories on the launch-pretty impressive. But could it have been better?