Don’t Blame The Reflection
Getting healthier, getting happier, getting rid of chronic illness and how to be rich…
how to have a better life and how to be more satisfied. We have this innate ability to manifest whatever it is that we need to have.
Whether it’s anyone of the things above or whatever your own spin might be on it. It’s right there. It says something about the person themselves when you ask that type of question. It says that you are tired of the way things are and that you want somet…
Lying To Yourself… And Loving It
Thinking positive can be a lot like lying to yourself. You tell yourself things that are not true in order to change your state of mind. Friends who tell you to think positive are sabotaging you without even knowing it.
Negative and limiting emotions are the playground for imbalance, unsure ness, worry and anxiety.
When you are caught up in your emotions, you are making decisions based on what you see through those emotional glasses. What we want to be able to do is to ta…
Clairvoyance | Voluntary And Involuntary Clairvoyance
The direct translation of the word “clairvoyance” is “clear sight”.It is defined as the ability to perceive or even see with the “mind’s eye” something that is going on in a remote location without any previous knowledge of the event. Most paranormal professionals and enthusiasts believe that psychic ability resides (albeit unlocked) within every human being. Their belief is that most people do not tap into their clairvoyance because they are either too unaware or unwilling t…