Pixel Sites…everyone’s jumping on the band wagon

A search on Google for pixel sites gives 22,7000 results. The rage started when a 21 year old from England launched an advertising site where you paid $1 per pixel of advertising. The guy made over a million dollars in a few short months – but can his success be replicated?

The Marketing Concept of Pixel Ads

After the success of the Million Dollar Homepage, people have been puzzled by the amazing effect of pixel advertising. The idea, which most people regarded as crazy, has a great marketing concept leading to its success. Thomas King will have a detail analysis of the strategies forming this concept including the downside. There will also be an introduction about a newly proposed idea after the pixel ads.

Million Dollar Homepage; Fad Or Fiction

Over the last month a new website created by 21 year old student (Alex Tew) has had a phenomenal impact on the internet advertising world. You may have heard of milliondollarhomepage.com. If not, it is a very simple concept for online advertising. Advertisers can buy pixels on the homepage for $1 a pixel. The minimum order is 100 pixels and with this the advertiser gets a small image that links from the Milliondollarhomepage to the advertiser’s site.

Now this alone isn’t …