Cultivating A Millionaire Mindset

Success rarely happens by accident. Admittedly, there are some who have literally stumbled upon success but the vast majority who reach those heights fought long and hard to get there. In fact, the majority probably failed at more things than complete failures have. Yet, despite all those many setbacks, they managed to win out in the end. It’s all in the mindset.

Let’s take a look at what most of these successful individuals have in common. Let’s look at the path they trav…

The Secrets of a ‘been-there, done-that’ Success Junkie and what it has to do with you and YOUR success

Do you desire a higher level of success in your life? Are you lost on the highway to success? I understand how you feel cos I’ve been there before. It’s definitely not a great feeling. That’s why this article is dedicated to giving you the knowledge and mindsets which will help you make your journey that little bit easier. This article is meant to be a consolidation of knowledge that will give you that extra push in your journey of Personal Development and Success. Carpe Diem … Seize the Day!

How Much Money Do Americans Need

It is said that when someone asked John D. Rockefeller how much money he thought Americans really needed he answered with…just a little bit more. If this is so then people who switch bank accounts to gain a tiny percentage better interest on their money are still on the same road as any gain driven, portfolio conscience, and millionaire questing entrepreneur among us.

The Marketing Concept of Pixel Ads

After the success of the Million Dollar Homepage, people have been puzzled by the amazing effect of pixel advertising. The idea, which most people regarded as crazy, has a great marketing concept leading to its success. Thomas King will have a detail analysis of the strategies forming this concept including the downside. There will also be an introduction about a newly proposed idea after the pixel ads.

T.E.G.A.T.O. The New Technology For Your Success

TEGATO, a very strange word, but a strange word that will help you succeed in what you want and what you want to achieve or desire. Yes, it’s a new technology. If you are of average intelligence and have average memory remembering the technology is easy. T E G A T O.

T is for Thinking. Before you start any project, or any thing you want to accomplish, you have to think about it, but what I’m asking is to think from it, and do the equation backwards, of how you are going to…

Options Trading Basics

New to Options? Want to trade option? This is the first step for you.

You many know many wealthy individuals make lots of money using options and you can try too.

Stock and Bond trading strategies run the gamut from the simple ‘buy and hold forever’ to the most advanced use of technical analysis. Options trading has a similar spectrum.

Options are a contract conferring the right to buy (a call option) or sell (a put option) some underlying instrument, such as a stock…