2 Ways To Create Your Own Custom Subliminal Messages

Subliminal messages are basically suggestions for you mind which are exposed on you for such a short period of time, or hidden, that your mind does not consciously register what it suggests. Instead, you register it sub-consciously. And also, they can be either positive or negative. In this article, I will tell you about 2 different ways through which you can create your own custom subliminal messages.

The best way to prove to you that subliminal messages work is through a…

3 Great Tips On Choosing Your Free Hypnosis Script

Hypnosis has been gaining a lot of popularity in recent times. More and more people are finding it to be an effective method of self development, which explains why you are now looking for free hypnosis scripts. And as mentioned in my other articles, the Internet is playing a huge role in spreading awareness and knowledge on this subject.

Hypnosis scripts are a great source of ideas for hypnosis trainees and experts alike. You will be able to find many of them by searching…

7 Great Tips On Using Your Free Affirmations

Affirmations are a simple and effective way to influence your subconscious mind. It is quite easy for you to search the Internet to find tones of free affirmations in various categories. I have also written another article on how you can write your own affirmations. But this one is going to focus on ways to increase their power!

Remember that it is always better to stick to a certain group of affirmations for a while, since we absorb them faster this way. Also, you should …

Ginkgo Biloba: Superb Supplement For Your Brain Power

This ancient Chinese herb is an extract made from the leaf of the Ginkgo tree. It is the most well-documented plant extract used to support brain function – there are more than 1,000 studies of Ginkgo Biloba from all over the world. The consensus is that Ginkgo does help many people improve a variety of brain functions. It has been shown to minimize age-related memory problems (affecting learning, short-term memory, and recall), concentration problems, and absentmindedness. I…

How A Regular Joe Made It To The Boardroom

The Joe in question isn’t me. It’s a good friend of mine.

Born in squalor, raised in need, and oppressed by his neighbors, he fought tooth and nail to survive the slums, enter a good university- and now, runs a multitude of companies.

These aren’t your run of the mill single proprietorships. These are mid scale corporations with 100 to 500 dedicated employees. Each one radiates the zest he does.

We had a long talk over Coke Light last night (yep, beer’s no good for p…

Improve Your Concentration – A More Focused You Is A More Successful You

Everyone knows that concentration is paramount to succeeding in what you want, so obviously, learning how to concentrate is an essential skill. To succeed, you need to concentrate solely on the task in hand.

It’s quite ironic; the things that we find easiest to concentrate on are the things that are not beneficial to the job in hand! But the simple fact that you can concentrate on these things merely shows that you do possess concentration skills, however, they’re just not…

Quit Smoking By Hypnosis

Smoking is one of the most addictive behaviors a person can have. It is said that even if a pack a day smoker manages to quit for a few years, the tendency to return to the habit is quite big. All he has to do is take one drag and the entire addiction is back again. Hypnosis is one of the many methods which can seriously help. A friend of mine once tried to quit smoking by hypnosis. With this short story of his experience, you can get some insight into what you expect your ex…

Secret Of The Millionaire Mind . . . Yes, You Can Box It Up!

Secret of the millionaire mind. Wouldn’t you love to go into a store and ask for that? “I’d like one secret of the millionaire mind, please.” Just box it up.

Well, unfortunately, Nordstrom’s doesn’t sell the secret of the millionaire mind. In fact, you can’t get it in any store.

But . . .

That doesn’t mean you can’t box it up.

You just have to box it up yourself! You’ll find out how to do that in a second. But first, a few words about the secret of the mill…

Steel Trap Speech Memory

Many people like to help themselves remember information by making up a rhyme for it. While the Rhyme Technique requires a lot of creative energy and a certain talent, all students who like it really take to it. They find it fun to make up rhymes and, let’s face it, if something is fun, you’re more likely to repeat it. How does the Rhyme Technique work? Let’s take the recipe list from above again, only this time let’s try to learn it using this technique:

chicken …

Want To Move On? Slaughter Pesky Negative Thoughts – With Extreme Prejudice!

You have the choice to control negativity and self-sabotaging behavior by creating positive beliefs and envisioning positive outcomes. Through a practice called “thought stopping,” you can change direction when you find yourself slipping into a negative thought pattern. Say to yourself, with a loud and firm inner voice: STOP! Once you’ve done this, it’s important to replace your previous thought with a more positive statement and image. Clearly acknowledge which statements ca…