How Meditation Can Change Your Life

Current research estimates that the average person has over 60,000 thoughts per day, 90 percent of which are replications of our thoughts from yesterday. Moreover, people spend almost half their time worrying, and 90 percent of those worries never come true.

On the other hand, most of us can remember those glorious moments when we experienced unbound love, sparks of wisdom and understanding; the moments when we felt total harmony with the world around us and harmony within…

Exploring Mindfulness And Meditation

In our every day lives, we are all guilty of neglecting our minds, allowing our brains to be lulled into a lazy, neglected, and unaware state. It is as if we are allowing ourselves to be sculpted by bland and repetitive consumerism, our individuality being chiselled away by a tedium we cannot even be bothered to challenge with any will.

Life need not be like that. We are each blessed with a powerful mind; but normally people have forgotten or, most likely, never even knew …

Mind Power Through Mindfulness

“Being in the moment” doesn’t mean avoiding thinking about the future. In fact, simple mindfulness exercises can increase your mind power and your ability to deal with the future.

Creating A Meaningful Life

If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?

Sometimes we forget how fleeting life is. There are no guarantees. We might be here until we’re 100 years old, or we might check out in our twenties or thirties. We just don’t know. But most of us tend to trick ourselves into believing that we have all the time in the world. We procrastinate, hesitate and put off the things that are truly important to us.

If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, wou…

Two Mindfulness Exercises

“Being in the moment” doesn’t mean avoiding thinking about the future. In fact, simple mindfulness exercises can increase your mind power and your ability to deal with the future.