From Here To There

Last year I was the keynote speaker at a Valentine’s Day luncheon for single mothers with the theme of Dream Again. It was a magical event that left most of us in the room with tears silently streaming down our faces. To top it off, at the end of our time together, Michele Lang, an amazing singer came to the stage and sang her song, “From Here to There.” Her song captured the challenge of deeply desiring to experience God in every area of your life, but feeling tethered by yo…

The Myths Of Motivation

The traditional beliefs about attaining success have left us coveting what others have, measuring our success by material accumulation and possessions, and unclear about the full process of bringing forth our destiny. I suspect that due to the pursuit of success, more believers have ended up depressed, oppressed, and doubting themselves. And what’s even more disturbing is that when the secular world looks into the lives of believers, we are often not experiencing the life and…

How to Set Intentions that Energize You

Without a clearcut intention, we’re reactive and don’t get around to doing the important things when we want them done. Instead, we spend our time fighting random fires. Intentions are like the steering wheel on your car. Their whole purpose is to give you control over where you’re going. But how — specifically — will you put your mission into action today? What will you actually DO about your highest intentions?

Your Self Esteem

Self Esteem seems to be lacking in so many, yet there is no reason for this. Getting past the negatives and realizing that you an awesome person will allow you to move on and improve your life and lifestyle.

Mission Statement Drift/ The Corporate Cancer

Every company performs to a script. Whether they real;ise it or not.

The organisational script from which the organisational style and culture emanates has usually evolved quite spontaneously over a period of years.

Companies operating with an inappropriate script are more likely to suffer from Mission Staement Drift.

It is therefore vital that a company runs with script which is in keeping with their Mission Statement