Knowledge Or Action?

It’s been said that knowledge is power. While that’s true to an extent, it isn’t the whole truth. Knowledge without action is almost useless.

How To Become An Opinion Leader…

“How do I get good people to listen to me?”

When’s the last time you asked yourself that?

Part of the reason marketers everywhere have such a tough time getting people to listen to them is because their audiences (i.e., us) don’t believe them entirely.

So how can they become an opinion leader?


We all know the marketers are “selling” whatever (they’re professionals aren’t they?) and that they’ll say whatever nice words and make whatever promises they…

5 Winning Strategies For MLM Success

Sure you want everyone to benefit from the opportunity for freedom you have to offer, but face it… not everyone has an interest in extracting themselves from their comfort zone. Successful MLM marketers are willing to step out on a limb, and to change themselves. No, it’s not for everyone.

Circular Logic – Compensation Plans That Make Your Head Spin

At the time of this writing, Multi-Level Marketing is more than 50 years old. It’s truly amazing that such a ludicrous business model has survived, and even experienced incredible growth, over such a great length of time.

On the surface, this type of business has a lot of appeal. Many people are attracted to the idea of selling quality products and sharing a lucrative opportunity with their friends and neighbors.

But once you take a good hard look at the nuts and bolts …

Finding A Legitimate Network Marketing Opportunity

Commonly referred to as multi-level marketing, network marketing is a concept where individuals come together with a parent company and act as independent contractors in the sales of a product or service. In return for helping to promote and sell the parent company’s product or service, individuals are financially compensated in an amount that has already been determined. The actual amount of compensation will vary from one network marketing opportunity to another and will be…

Guess Who Ford Motor Just Quit Selling To…

One of the very hardest things for a marketer of any kind to accept is that not everyone will buy their product, no matter how great they think it is. And even if someone else believes it’s fabulous too, that doesn’t mean they’ll buy.

I play tennis not golf. So no matter how stunning the new clubs are that Tiger himself uses, I won’t buy. I don’t do golf. So you’re better off to save your energy and find someone who DOES love golf. As obvious as this sounds, it’s almost im…

How Come I Can’t Say My Product Is For Everybody When I Think It Is?

That’s a question networkers ask me a lot. And it seems so reasonable, especially when they really love their product. Three answers for you if you are wondering about this:

1. Has everyone bought your product?

If not, then everyone has spoken, haven’t they? Sigh. And no, it’s not necessarily that your presentation is bad. ( ) Even with the ideal show ‘n tell, there might not be a match. N…

How MLM Recruiting Can Make You Rich

There are several things a person can do to become successful in network marketing, but none compare to the benefits you will receive from MLM recruiting. A majority of your time should be spent on recruiting and building your business because in the end, everyone wants to be rich. The further you build your business the higher your income is going to be. So how do you go about recruiting and what are the magical secrets to success in multilevel marketing? Let’s find out.