Time Management Tips for College Students

College life is full of challenges. College students are faced of mountainous confrontations and obstacles that must be faced. These students must work hard to prove not only to themselves but to other people that they are worthy of getting into college and finishing successfully.

Filing For Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy should be seen as the last resort for people who have got themselves into too much debt. It may seem the answer to all your prayers but bankruptcy is only able to solve certain debt issues. Remember, if you have filed for bankruptcy you may find it difficult to obtain credit in the future unless your bankruptcy has been cleared, or discharged for a number of years.

Bankruptcy is very good for wiping out credit card debt. Unless you have a special secured credit …

Debt And Debtor’s Disease. Do You Have It?

Debtor’s disease is a silent killer. Killer of respect, marriages, self control, and families. There isn’t a part of your life that it won’t touch and destroy with it’s deadly power. Some of you won’t even know you have it for many, many years. It’s a sneaky affliction; creeping into your life and slowly but surely taking control of every part of your existence.

Seems a bit of a dramatic description, doesn’t it? But, the sad part is, it’s all true. Even though we often hat…