A Look At Intrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic motivation is when an individual is motivated by internal factors, as opposed to external factors.
Examples of intrinsic motivation would be doing something because you feel it is the moral and ethical thing to do; doing something because you know it will benefit others or doing something because it brings you pleasure and joy.
The latter is common in regards to an enjoyable pastime or a hobby.
It is believed that intrinsic motivation is far stronger than…
Achieving Exponential Success
Exponential success is the mathematical process of multiplying numbers. Remember your math days and the different calculations you used. Remember that 4+4=8 and 4X4 is 16 but 4 to the 4th power is 256. Same numbers still math, same amount of effort of do the math on a calculator but look at the difference in results. This process yields greater numbers than any other mathematical process. Some people are satisfied with minor success throughout their lives, adding to their liv…
An Atypical Success
Melba Rae likely never traveled the world. It’s likely that she never rode in a limousine. She had none of the trappings of fame and there was probably very little fortune. She was just an ordinary woman that was extraordinary in her ordinary profession.
Most of us have many teachers in our life. As we think back on our years in school we can often recall the names and some of the characteristics but there are not many who have a lasting place in our hearts. Melba Rae was …
Are You Persevering Or Enduring?
Why try to make a distinction between perseverance and endurance? In both perseverance and endurance, we may struggle at times, feel fear of failure or rejection, or worry that we are not worthy of what we long for. So the distinction between perseverance and endurance can easily get blurred.
But perseverance and endurance take us down different roads so they are worth distinguishing. Endurance will lead us to a dead end whereas perseverance, although it may take us down a…
Are You Stuck In Your Life?
Are you constantly reading self-help and motivational books yet nothing changes? Have you tried many different forms of therapy yet still feel unhappy, anxious, depressed and alone? Do you often have the answers for others but not for yourself?
The problem may be that you are intent on “fixing” problems rather than learning about what is in your highest good and taking the loving action. You will stay stuck when fixing is more important than learning and taking action.
Are You Wishing For Something? Stop! The More You Wish- The More You Might Not Get It
Are You Ready For Change In Your Life?
When you are willing to set goals, your motivation becomes more focused and less confused in everyday interactions. Setting goals and designing your dreams and aspirations is a commitment to participate in a dynamic relationship and interaction between yourself and others. Committing yourself to be in a relationship with others helps to create an environment of self-support. The “willingness” to define your goals and aspirations provi…
Beauty And Perception
When it comes to perceiving a woman’s beauty, the range of possibility is enormous. I have been lucky in this lifetime to have known several men who love all kinds of women—all types, body shapes, sizes, colors, races. Blonde, brunette, redhead. Short and round or tall and rectangular. It’s all good. Sadly, I have known far more who have such a narrow window for what is lovely that most women can’t even get an “acceptable” rating. They may be liked well enough as people…
Become Proactive And Master Success
We all want to succeed in life. We want to succeed in our personal relationships. We want to succeed in our professional lives. Yet despite this desire to succeed we so often do not find success. Just what is the secret to success in our personal and professional lives? Being proactive.
It is easy to place the blame for our failure to succeed on the many factors that influence our lives. Perhaps we were born with certain disadvantages or at least with no noticeable advanta…
Is there a limiting belief somewhere deep in your psyche that is stopping and holding you back from the life you really want to live? Is there some crazy notion that masquerades as common sense that prevents you from taking action?
Many of us have limiting beliefs that we may not even be aware of. Often these beliefs hide behind such noble attributes as responsibility, duty, and commitment. But why limit our lives to being less than all we can be for the sake of these limi…
Career Development What You Can Do To Further Your Career
Just about everyone wants to advance in his or her chosen vocation. No one wants to simply stay put; everyone wants to get somewhere else. But few people really know how to make their own advancement happen.
Career development is not very complex – which is not to say that it is easy to accomplish. On the contrary, it requires a tremendous amount of discipline to be able to maximize the resources available to you, i.e., your time, money, and energy.
However, once you …