Change: The Other Dirty Word

What comes to mind when you hear the word change? Are you fearful? Excited? Does you blood run cold or do you hear yourself saying, “I like things just the way they are.” Is “change”, the other dirty word?

Most of us find change hard; Not necessarily because we do not want to change, but because it is sailing into the unknown. Who knows what is going to be around the next bend in the road? We are most likely to rail against changes that are going to have an adverse effect …

Change Is Good If You Don’t Mind

There is a saying “the only one who likes to be changed is a baby in a wet diaper”. For the most part that is very true. However, people really do like change they simply resist being changed. This may seem like the same thing but they are quite dramatically different.

There are three things I rally enjoy, my wife, my kids and movies. My wife and I love to see our children grow. We are amazed at how easily they go from year to year openly adopting the marvelous changes tha…

Change The Shape Of Your Self-Image

While we all understand the importance of eating healthy, exercising and dieting, very few realize that changing our self-image is just as important to leading a healthy lifestyle. How you think and feel about yourself goes a long way to bringing happiness and success into your life and in order to change your self-image – just as you give your body a workout – you need to give your mind a work-out too.

The first step you need to take is to determine what exactly it is you…

Change Your Story, Improve Your Life

What do you tell yourself and others about your life? Do you paint a picture of your life as happy and optimistic or as somber and sad?

It’s not what happens to us in this life but it is what we do with and about what happens to us in this life. Life is not fair. Never has been. Never will be. That’s just the way it is. So if you don’t like the hand that you’ve been dealt you have a right to complain all you want but that won’t change circumstances and it won’t make it bet…

Christmas Spirit: Do You Possess The True Spirit Of Christmas?

While for so many people this holiday season is about rampant commercialism, keeping up with the Joneses and rushing to keep up with a hectic schedule, we should all jump off the speed train and take time to not only appreciate the true meaning of Christmas but also to embrace the true spirit of Christmas.

Emotionally this is a difficult time of year for so many. Depression and anger drive up the rates of suicide and domestic violence. Stress builds upon stress to destroy …

Daily Motivation: What Motivates You Each Day?

Every experience that a person has impacts him or her positively or negatively. All of the positive moments most likely enhance our daily motivation. Daily motivation is what enables us to strive to be better people, to work towards goals, and to lead fulfilling lives.

Setting goals:
Many of us set goals for ourselves. In turn, these goals motivate us to work hard to achieve success. Goals drive an individual’s daily motivation. Goals such as getting a Master’s degree, ha…

Did You Know You’re Bleeding Money Because Of The Darn Phone??

You’re in the midst of work then …

Aw… man.

Or you’re finishing a 97% complete report then ….

Okay. Familiar? I can imagine your blood pressure rising when that happens. What is an interruption? An interruption is anything that seizes your attention from an activity you have chosen to do to for an activity that someone else has purposely or inadvertently chosen for you. Interruptions are normally random and without any consideration for the importance of, or im…

Discovering Internal Motivation

You can’t change a habit unless you replace it with another one. The same is true of motivation. You can’t change how someone is motivated unless you replace the undesirable motivation with a desirable one. Hence, you have to understand whether your prospect’s motivation is a positive one or a destructive one .

Once inspiration is identified, you must build on that inspiration until you create an intense hunger in your prospects. This means that you get them to take respo…

Do You Have Each Aspect Of Trust

The ability to gain and keep trust is a vital factor in being able to influence others. Research has shown, time and time again, that trust is always a contributing factor in the ability to influence others. When a person trusts you, trust alone can cause them to accept your message. On the flip side, if people don’t trust you, all the evidence, reasoning, facts, or figures in the world won’t get them to budge.

Trust can be an ambiguous concept, but certain things are quit…

Don’t Learn The Hard Way

We all make mistakes in our life. Some are small but with others we wonder if we will ever get over them.

Have you ever made a mistake or failed at something when you had one or more people trying to tell you that if you do it the way you are doing it you won’t succeed?

Ok, I know that’s a rhetorical question because we all have.

Wouldn’t it be nice to go back in time and listen to their wisdom and advice?

In your journey towards your dream, goal, or passion, you …