Employee Motivation: Key To Company Success

Picture this: You’re the owner of a seat manufacturing company that produces seating for wheelchairs, auditoriums, and cars. You have approximately 100 employees, 90 percent of which are upholsters, sewers, gluers, and material cutters. The other 10 percent are office staff. Basically, you have a diverse group of employees, each with different jobs, concerns, and needs. The big question is: How do you motivate all of these people?

Treat your employees well and your company…

Expect With Confidence

Often our expectations are based on the assumptions we have about people or groups of people. The same is true of us. Have you ever noticed how your expectations become reality in your personal life? Expectation is literally a self-fulfilling prophecy. We do this consciously and subconsciously. Remember the kid in grade school who was always really rowdy and disruptive? Sometimes if people already assume they are perceived a certain way, then that is indeed exactly how they w…

Extrinsic And Intrinsic Motivations

Have you ever had a problem getting motivated to complete a task that you absolutely had to do? Did you ever just want to throw in the towel and accept that you failed? If so, understand that there are things you can do to be more motivated and to achieve your goals.

What motivates you?
There are two types of motivation that exist: extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is motivation that is inspired by outside forces, while intrinsic motivati…

Face To Face Negotiation

In our age of ever-expanding communication possibilities, researchers have been drawn to answer the question of which communication mode is most likely to lend itself to successful negotiation. Although the answer is undetermined, Face-to-face communication has been proven to have a greater possibility of alleviating miscommunication. When you’re in person, you are more apt to pick up all the nuances of the exchange. That way, you will be better able to gauge what the other p…

Factors Influencing The Impact Of Humor In Persuasion

Humor’s effectiveness will always ride the emotional tides of your audience members. How well a joke goes over may depend on whose company your prospects are in, whether they are winding down for the day or still up against deadlines or other workplace pressures, whether they are awake and alert or feeling drowsy, whether they have a headache, etc. Always be in tune with how your audience is feeling and always assess the atmosphere you’re in to determine whether it is conduci…

Family Motivation: The Glue That Holds Families Together

As many people know from experience, the family unit can be a strong source of stability, security, and happiness. It can nurture support, love, and togetherness. However, when things go wrong within this unit, it can become the opposite: a source of great stress and tribulation. Family motivation is the desire to preserve the family unit and keep it intact.

Husbands and wives:
It is no joke that newlyweds are often in for a shock during the first year or so of marriage. …

Feel Success, Live Success, Have Success

You can start right now and be successful? When you try to focus on the positive things in life you start to see more positive things. You need feeling, believing and positively and successfully, start reading books about positive thinking and being successful. Everyday you need to think and act successful, by doing this you will feel and become successful.

Remind yourself that you are close to starting everything from the beginning again. Get yourself a hobby anything tha…

Foundational Principles Of Persuasion

Central to understanding persuasion is the concept of neutrality. The laws of persuasion are neither good nor evil. They simply exist. Just as nuclear power can be used to create electricity or an atomic bomb, persuasion can be used to create unity or to force compliance. Whether the outcome is good or bad depends on the person using the laws and how that person applies the techniques of persuasion.

Some people desire to win at any cost, using any available tactics includ…

Get Your Goals Done!

I used to have too many goals that I was highly motivated and enthusiastic to achieve.

But I found myself working very hard in the first one or two weeks then everything returns back as it was. I was quickly losing motivation, enthusiasm and persistence to achieve my goals.

I even felt distracted due to the too many goals I set for myself and felt disappointed when I found myself achieved nothing of them!

**Do you have similar problems?

One day I discovered a secr…

Getting Into The Holiday Spirit

What comes to mind when you think about the holidays?

Do you groan, feeling burdened by all you have to do? Do you dread going shopping for gifts or cleaning up after a Christmas or Chanukah celebration?

Or, do you feel a sense of fun, of delight, of joy in the celebrating, giving and receiving?

Which part of you is in charge of the holidays – your judgmental self or your loving self?

Think for a moment about the little child in you – the child that loved the holi…