A Look At Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is when an individual is motivated by internal factors, as opposed to external factors.

Examples of intrinsic motivation would be doing something because you feel it is the moral and ethical thing to do; doing something because you know it will benefit others or doing something because it brings you pleasure and joy.

The latter is common in regards to an enjoyable pastime or a hobby.

It is believed that intrinsic motivation is far stronger than…

Being Tough Means Choosing The Right

Motivational materials usually have to be read with some degree of circumspect. Even as a coach and motivational trainer, I have caught myself saying things in my exuberance that later needed to be modified. Take our quote today which comes to us from the Reverend Robert Schuler. I am always built up listening to what he has to say. In today’s quote he says “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” My knee jerk reaction was “Wow! Isn’t that the truth?” But in thinking…

Career Development What You Can Do To Further Your Career

Just about everyone wants to advance in his or her chosen vocation. No one wants to simply stay put; everyone wants to get somewhere else. But few people really know how to make their own advancement happen.

Career development is not very complex – which is not to say that it is easy to accomplish. On the contrary, it requires a tremendous amount of discipline to be able to maximize the resources available to you, i.e., your time, money, and energy.

However, once you …

Digging For Gold

When I was a young boy in Santa Cruz, California I used to help my grandfather in the fields by his home. This was not his land but back in those days it was not unusual to barter with the neighbors to work it for them so he could grow the vegetables that he loved. He would then share them with the neighbor for payment. He grew corn, beans, peas, zucchini, cucumbers and garlic. And nobody could grow bigger dahlias than my grandfather.

As I worked along side him he used to …

Garden Of Eden: A Jungle Captive’s Lesson In Dreams Come True

BBC News recently reported the story of horticulturist and orchid collector, Tom Hart Dyke, who was kidnapped in 2000 in the Darien Gap in Panama by Colombian Guerrillas and held hostage for nine months in the South American jungle. He was on a plant collecting expedition with his friend Paul Winder when captured.

They experienced a horrific kidnapping ordeal and were both threatened with being beheaded. During this dark passage, in order to stay sane, Tom spent his time j…

Help Your Inner Self And Motivate Yourself For Greatness

There are 3 basic element to change your life, you need to ask, believe and receive the new life, you also need to live your new life, just don’t imagine it but really believe and feel that your life has changed, you should set specific goals, create plans, but the most important is to always stay positive and be grateful for the things you have. Your mind is a very powerful device that can create form nothing. If you believe and really feel the new positive actions coming i…

How To Set Your Relationship Goals With Goal Setting Tactics

In order for a relationship to work and stand the trials and tribulations that come with love, it is important for a few expectations and goals to be set. When goals are created in a relationship, the chances of surviving a long-lasting relationship are pretty high.

Building trust and understanding that lasts a lifetime is great way to achieve the level of satisfaction one would expect in a relationship. This is where goals become an important part of the process. And it’s…

Just What Exactly Is Motivation?

What exactly is motivation? Everyone does not always define motivation the exact same way.

Some people describe motivation as a mental force that drives a person to accomplish an end such as finishing a project or saving for retirement.

Some people say that motivation is why some individuals do one thing and others do something all together different. Motivation is often discussed in terms of setting and achieving goals and also what determines the behaviour of a huma…

Letting Go Of Mr. J.

Meet Mr. J., a grade school librarian. Over the years, many students came through the halls of this particular school and they all adored Mr. J. He had a way with children by knowing each student by his/her name and making all of them feel special. It was not unusual to walk past the library and see a group of students huddled around his desk sharing their day with him.

Mr. J. was not only the school Librarian, but also the leader of an esteemed organization called the “6t…

Long Term Motivation Can Be Difficult But Why?

Motivation is defined as, why people do what they do. Long-term motivation can be difficult when you do not make yourself stick to your goals. Most people make goals, but those who are successful have the discipline and drive to achieve their goals and dreams.

Different things motivate people. Some are driven by internal or intrinsic motivation. Others need extrinsic motivation, or outside forces, to help them stay on track. One easy way to help you achieve your goals is t…