Getting Motivated By A Motivational Speaker?
In the past years, there has been a sudden rise of motivational speakers. They appear in television and in magazines as well as sold out seminars that are just brimming with people who are just craving to get some direction with their lives.
A motivational speaker, instead of focusing on the financial gains that he or she will most probably get from these seemingly “needy” people, should focus his or her attention to actually motivating people to actually be the best that …
Motivational Speaking – Stuck in the Middle with All of You
What is it about money and the white picket fence that dismantles our dreams, destroys our imagination and devalues the sense of adventure in people?
Three Deadly Sins to Avoid When Choosing a Professional Speaker
Choosing a speaker for your next event, conference meeting or seminar? This article will provide real-life insight on determining the right speaker for your needs while also providing new speakers with useful do’s and don’ts for delivering a speeches and presentations that give their clients measurable results.
Getting Past Gatekeepers: Don’t Get Left At the Gate When Calling on Decision Makers
DOES IT SOMETIMES SEEM AS THOUGH DECISION MAKERS are residing in a gated community? Learn how to bypass gatekeepers (GK) — those professionals who “guard” the decision makers and often run interference for them — to get in front of decision makers (DM).
The Voice of Customer Service
Customer service is about more than mouthing the words customers want to hear in a manner so as to convey our inflection. It is important to understand where in a sentence we put the emphasis. Using a pleasant tone, effective intonation, and empathic emotion our voice can go a long way toward helping customers feel heard, valued and cared for.
Turning Customer Service Inside Out!
While companies focus on external customer service little attention is being paid to the effect poor internal customer service has on customer satisfaction. By improving customer service within the organization you can enhance the customer service your external customers receive.