Music Phones

You sometimes see cell phone manufacturers talk about music phones. What is it then? A music phone is a phone optimized for playing music. The idea with music phones, smartphones and camera phones is that one would have only one device instead of many. A music phone combines a cell phone and a portable music player. Every major cell phone manufacturer has them.

Sony Ericsson introduced the Walkman phones, Motorola launched the ROKR iTunes and Nokia delivers music phones un…

Choosing An MP3 Player To Groove To

If you’ve decided that you want get yourself a portable MP3 player, or digital music player, you’ve probably discovered that there are myriads of choices to choose from. Not only that, you can easily spend fifty dollars or five hundred dollars on an MP3 player.

In this article, I’ll go over the three major categories of MP3 players, with tips for choosing the best one.

1: MP3 CD Players
An MP3 CD player is a digital music player that plays CDs – either standard audio C…

Choosing An MP3 Player To Groove To

If you’ve decided that you want get yourself a portable MP3 player, or digital music player, you’ve probably discovered that there are myriads of choices to choose from. Not only that, you can easily spend fifty dollars or five hundred dollars on an MP3 player.

In this article, I’ll go over the three major categories of MP3 players, with tips for choosing the best one.

1: MP3 CD Players
An MP3 CD player is a digital music player that plays CDs – either standard audio C…