Networking To Find Music Education Jobs

For those most passionate about their music, a job in music education is a natural fit. Far from being a case of “those who can’t do, teach”, those who take music education jobs are talented not only as artists but as teachers who want to pass their love of music on to another generation, to ensure that there is always music in the world.

Once upon a time, a degree in music education was seen as a ‘fallback option’- the job that would always be there if a performing or pro…

Get Creative To Find Music Production Jobs

So you’ve got that degree in Music Production – but after months of scouring the want ads, you’re beginning to wonder if you shouldn’t have backed it up with a minor in Education. Don’t despair yet – you’re a creative person or you wouldn’t have chosen this business to begin with. The secret to finding and getting music production jobs is to use some of that creativity in your job search.

There are three things to keep in mind when doing a creative job search for music pro…