An Attitude of Gratitude

Well, it’s Thanksgiving again for the Canadians, and here in Germany we have celebrated our Erntedankfest, but anytime of the year is a good time to practice an attitude of gratitude.

William James said, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. “

Get Rich Quick!

There are loads of programs available that promise that you can “Get Rich Quick”. This one is different. It is easy and simple to do and costs absolutely nothing.

Thoughts and visualization a powerful combination against negativity

Our thoughts not only determine who we are but also what we can be. We are bombarded by negativity from many sources during our waking hours, so much so, that we accept negative thoughts as the norm and pay little attention to the fact that negativity controls our lives. The first step in changing negative thought to positive thought is to be aware of what we are thinking.

20 Ways Of Training The Mind On Positive Thinking

1. Start the day with cheers and smiles.

Your whole day depends on how you greet the morning. Therefore, as long as you welcome it with energy and high spirits, everything will go okay. You don’t want the rest of the day to get ruined, do you? Come on, smile! It doesn’t cost anything but is worth everything.

2. Ask for guidance.

Only God knows what we will be having on the day ahead of us. He will surely appreciate a few minutes of praying and asking for guidance …

How To Overcome Negative Thinking In Selling

Creative selling is an individual accomplishment.

It embraces you and the power within you to think and create.

These qualities and attributes are individual, and no one
but you can develop them.

Cut loose and free yourself from all negative thinking, from all petty restrictions and all pygmy notions and all corroded resistance. Negative thinking retards you and holds you back.

Open up the channel to positive thinking, and let the creative power flow through.