Is The Law Of Attraction Real?

Many people who are new to The Secret want to know if it’s “real.” That is, whether there is some simple physical mechanism that makes good things happen simply as a result of positive thinking. The answer could thoughtfully be yes, no and maybe, all at the same time.

For starters, there’s nothing simple about consciously changing the way you think. Even those who’ve been at it for quite some time are still novices. Like the path towards Enlightenment, it will probably tak…

Why You Should Show Gratitude To Yourself To Avoid Failure

Have you ever watched or heard about a person’s success story and believed that you could never do what he/she has done? Or have you seen someone come up with a revolutionary idea and thought to yourself that you can never accomplish such a feat?

If your answer is yes to either one or both of my questions, you probably have self-limiting beliefs and negative thoughts about yourself. These are what I would term as a person’s inner ‘monsters’ and these ‘monsters’ are very co…

Thoughts and visualization a powerful combination against negativity

Our thoughts not only determine who we are but also what we can be. We are bombarded by negativity from many sources during our waking hours, so much so, that we accept negative thoughts as the norm and pay little attention to the fact that negativity controls our lives. The first step in changing negative thought to positive thought is to be aware of what we are thinking.