Getting Rid Of Negativity

Negativity is something that can affect most people at some point in their lives, however there are some people that feel that they can never shake it off and that negativity is just a way of life for them. If you are one of these people you will understand that it is a difficult way of life, just going from one worry to the next. Seeing everything in a pessimistic way and not really being positive about anything. Well if this describes what is going on with you then fear not…

Transform Negative “Reactions” Into Positive “Proactions”

Q. What happens when we let ourselves become dominated by negative responses to life, e.g. destructive behaviour patterns, negative emotions, apathy, etc? We find ourselves getting “worked up,” often to the detriment of our own wellbeing as well as to those around us.

The result? We risk becoming increasingly angry and bitter about aspects of our life that we believe we have little or no control over. The solution? To explore the reality behind these actions and emotions, …

Thoughts and visualization a powerful combination against negativity

Our thoughts not only determine who we are but also what we can be. We are bombarded by negativity from many sources during our waking hours, so much so, that we accept negative thoughts as the norm and pay little attention to the fact that negativity controls our lives. The first step in changing negative thought to positive thought is to be aware of what we are thinking.

Are You a Negative Thinker?

Barbara sought my help because of her chronic fatigue. She had been going to different kinds of doctors and trying different nutrition plans for years and nothing was helping her. One of the doctors suggested that she try psychotherapy.

Are You a Trash Can for Others’ Negativity?

Carmen, a client of mine, told me at the end of one of her sessions, “I’m no longer willing to be a trash can for others’ negativity.”

“Wow!” I said. “I’m delighted to hear that! And I love that metaphor!”