The Legendary Fast Phobia Cure

A man with a spider phobia walks into a room. His phobia means that he can’t even look at a picture of something that looks like a spider without having a panic attack. So he unconsciously scans the room for spiders as he sits down in a comfortable chair opposite a therapist. Twenty minutes later he is standing in the middle of the room with a spider on his hand and a smile of his face.

A remarkable therapist? Probably not. A fluke? No: this kind of thing happens all the t…

The Science Of Phobias

Here’s how phobias work.

There are two parts to your mind – one that thinks, and one that feels.

The thinking part is the conscious, rational mind that you are using now as you read this.

The feeling part is the unconscious, emotional mind. It takes care of automatic tasks like regulating the heart, controlling pain and managing our instincts.

It’s the unconscious mind that is programmed to act instinctively in times of danger. It reacts very fast – making you run…