Plantronics DSP 400 Headset

The Plantronics DSP 400 headset produces high quality sound whether you use it with a laptop or a desktop computer. The microphone is supposed to digitally cancel noise, just transmit your voice perfectly. I use this headset mainly for voice over internet protocol (VOIP) applications like Skype and other messengers and the performance is simply marvelous! The other party may be half a world away but it sounds as if he were just in the next room. I would even dare to say that …

Apple iPod Special U2 Edition

New iPod models have sprung up as quickly as mushrooms after the rain and each time they just seem to get better and better. I have to say though that this U2 special edition iPod just captured my heart the moment I saw it. Being very much a U2 fan, the fact that the back panel has the band members’ signatures engraved on it is enough reason in itself for it to be the best. The U2 iPod is easily recognizable from all the other models due to its style. While the others are usu…

Accessory Computer

A home away from home is a great thing, so why not have an office away from the office too?The spare room or a quiet corner can be a perfect place for productivity. To outfit your workspace, you might need to invest in some new hardware like a second computer, a bigger monitor or a high-quality printer. Once you’ve got your home computer set-up, you’ll need to connect it to the Internet or network it to other computers and peripherals in the house. With a good grasp of the fa…