10 Ways To Say No To Fear This New Year

It’s a New Year and a new set of resolutions. But how many will you actually see through to the end? And how many will fall by the wayside because of one simple four lettered word . . . FEAR.

Fear gets to the best of us, whether it is fear of failure, fear of success or even fear of fear. All of us have experienced fear at some point in our lives and it can be a real stumbling block that holds us back from being truly successful.

But don’t panic, there is a way to conqu…

Ditch Your New Year’s Resolutions

A New Year is upon us. The stresses of Christmas will soon be over and we’ll be bursting with good intentions to lose weight, pay off debts, get fit, drink less alcohol and be nicer to the mother-in-law. Sound familiar? Then read on!

The truth is that most of us set ourselves up for failure when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions because a) our lists are too long, and b) they’re simply not exciting enough!

That’s why I recommend you ditch your New Year’s Resolutions alt…

Ditch Your New Year’s Resolutions!

The New Year is here and millions of us will be sitting down and writing out our New Year’s Resolutions. And, you know the drill, within two weeks they will be forgotten as we get caught up in the daily grind of life. Our fresh enthusiasm for the New Year will be gone and long forgotten.

Don’t let this happen to you!

Instead, why not ditch your New Year’s Resolutions altogether and focus on just one big goal (or Gulp!)? Maybe it’s time to switch careers, or travel the w…

Gulp! & Get Off Your Butt This New Year

Every year we face challenges, ones that require us to step outside our comfort zone and brave the unknown. We feel the fear in the pit of our stomachs, yet deep down we know it’s time to meet the challenges head on. Perhaps you’re stuck in a rut and you want to change something in your career: learn a new skill, change roles, go part-time or put yourself up for promotion. Or you’ve had a life-changing event thrust upon you—an illness, divorce or a real knock to your confiden…

New Year’s Resolution Alternatives? Tired Of Resolutions As Usual? Try A Different Path To Success

New Year’s resolutions? Not again! Don’t you remember what happened last time?

I don’t know about you, but for me, New Year’s resolutions always come with a big bat: I resolve to do something, I stop doing it, and I beat myself up about it.

In fact, the vast majority of people deviate from their resolutions sooner or later, usually sooner. And most of the rest are probably lying or kidding themselves. Of course, there might be a FEW hardy souls out there somewhere who a…

Set Yourself Up For Success This New Year

It’s 2008 and just as you did last year, and the year before that, you’ve probably set some New Year’s resolutions. By the time you get to February, these will be long forgotten as you get caught up with the daily grind of life.

Why not make a fresh start this year and do things differently by following this simple 5 step process. It’s easy, effective and very practical. It will help you make the changes that you know you need to make to bring new happiness into your life …